Some of our Services


Lobby for smoke-free sports events, appropriate and informative labeling on alcohol and tobacco products, and that the implementation of age-restriction on alcohol and cigarette purchasing.


The dissemination of current knowledge on addictions, prevention and promotion of healthy relationships is a core function of the ICPA. This is done through world-wide conferences.


Based on the strong, robust evidence, Mentoring is encouraged as and promoted as foundational in prevention strategies for keeping youth of all stages free from at-risk behavior.


Human beings are hard-wired for connectedness and supportive relationships. The Youth Alive initiativeis a key initiative in the promotion of protective, productive relationships.


- Northern Asia-Pacific Region

- Trans-European Region

- North American Region

Our Mission

The International Commission for the Prevention of Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (ICPA) is a not for profit, nongovernmental organization (NGO), with a United Nations charter.

Its mission is to promote the prevention of alcoholism, drug and other addictions, and of at-risk behaviors through education, research, advocacy and the promotion of healthy connectedness and relationships. This endeavor is further enhanced by the active implementation and modeling of service and mentoring initiatives.